What is Metabolism?

What is Metabolism?

This word “metabolism” is thrown around a lot these days.

You know that if yours is too slow you might gain weight.  But what exactly does this all mean?

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Coffee - Who can drink and who should avoid?

Coffee is one of those things - you either love it or hate it. You know if you like the taste or not (or if it’s just a reason to drink sugar and cream). You know how it makes you feel (i.e. your gut, your mind, etc.).

Not to mention the crazy headlines that say coffee is great, and the next day you should avoid it!

There is actual science behind why different people react differently to it. It's a matter of your genetics and how much coffee you're used to drinking.

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Makeover Your Morning! Tips For Getting In A Morning Workout

Makeover Your Morning! Tips For Getting In A Morning Workout

Waking up early is hard. Waking up extra early to workout can seem downright impossible. But exercising first thing has so many benefits! When you get your body moving in the morning you increase your energy, kick-start your metabolism causing you to burn more all day long, and you get your daily exercise out of the way so you can come home from work and relax. Morning workouts can be a challenge if you aren't used to getting up at the crack of dawn to hit the gym. There are a several thing you can do to help get your butt out of bed and into the gym! 

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