I joined Lindsay's Fit in 4 program with the goal of making frequent exercise and proper nutrition a regular part of my lifestyle. In a few short weeks, I have incorporated the daily workouts designed by Lindsay to suit my individual needs. The workouts are easy to follow and I can complete them within an hour or less, usually during my toddler's nap time. Lindsay's nutrition tips and meal planning guidance have taught me which areas of my diet to adjust and how to make better food choices. The result is that I have more energy, I'm stronger and I've lost several pounds. I enjoyed the first four weeks so much that I'm currently doing another round!


After having my daughter, Lindsay helped me to not only regain my confidence as a woman and new mom by helping me to shed my baby weight and additional ten pounds, but she also helped me to properly understand nutrition and how to make simple lifestyle changes to improve my health and maintain my physique. I have and will continue to recommend Lindsay as a holistic nutritionist and workout coach.


Working with Lindsay was great! She was able to adapt my meal plan to my dietary restrictions, which is no easy feat. Her workouts were fun yet challenging, to say the least. She took the time to educate me on the benefits and downfalls of particular foods which came in handy, especially when I went off the diet plan, which happened regularly. She encouraged me to steer clear of the scale and focus more on how I felt in my clothing and overall. Having a trainer via online was great for me as I don't struggle to get to the gym on a regular basis. It did however hold me accountable every week as I knew she would be checking in to see how I was doing. Lindsay provided me with some helpful tools that I can now apply moving forward on my own. This was affordable, educational and most of all, fun.


It has only been a little over two months since I had my blood testing done and implemented the meal plans as per Lindsay's directives. Initially I was skeptical about the accuracy of the blood testing. I knew I was sensitive to papaya, kiwi and kale and the blood tests confirmed it. I did not know I was extremely sensitive to soya and romaine lettuce, which I consumed routinely, but now avoid. It has been a most satisfactory and pleasurable food experience for me. My skin has improved, as well as my hair texture and the best part is I dropped 15 pounds by eating healthy. My energy levels are now up as well as an improved emotional well-being. I only wish I had the testing done sooner!


I am feeling SO SO much better. It has been eye opening! I am so happy that I did this testing. My bloating is pretty much completely gone. My skin is acne free pretty much (including my back which was a huge problem the last 3 winters), my clothes fit so much better, I am rarely tired and I have a overall more positive mindset. It is so nice to finally understand what I can and can not eat.. no more gluten free, dairy free, nightshade free... blah blah. I can not recommend this testing enough!
